E37: Daniel Mori: Refocusing the Strategy to Grow a Business

January 17, 2022 00:40:06
E37: Daniel Mori: Refocusing the Strategy to Grow a Business
CEED Pika Na P
E37: Daniel Mori: Refocusing the Strategy to Grow a Business

Jan 17 2022 | 00:40:06


Show Notes

Daniel Mori is the Chief Growth Officer at Iris, a company solving online dating with artificial intelligence. Before he was VP of Marketing for two SF-based companies - Zoosk & Ethos, and an interim head of growth at Coffee meets Bagel

Daniel is a strategic marketing leader with 15 years of experience driving customer growth and revenue, primarily for subscription and recurring revenue businesses. He has worked in companies from early stage startups to late stage and publicly traded ones, and especially in the areas of marketing technology, analytics and creative strategy.

In this episode, Daniel shares his experiences in re-organization, and why shrinking organization can be an opportunity to grow your business, if done right. 

Daniel Mori was a guest speaker at CEED's Founders Talk conference in Ljubljana in September 2021 - check out his keynote on the topic here.

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