E53: Matt Mayfield: Lead generation: Figuring out the recipe that works

June 13, 2022 00:48:26
E53: Matt Mayfield: Lead generation: Figuring out the recipe that works
CEED Pika Na P
E53: Matt Mayfield: Lead generation: Figuring out the recipe that works

Jun 13 2022 | 00:48:26


Show Notes

Matt Mayfield is the co-founder of BizXpand, a company that helps you reach Product-Market-Fit for outbound lead generation and scale your business. Matt is an expert at quickly learning about new industries and finding unique methods to enter new market segments. US born, he moved to Slovenia in 2000 as he became the Director of Sales in Hermes Softlab, afterwards Comtrade. Before co-founding BizXpand, he worked as a sales executive in both Europe and the US of various global industrial and technology companies, such as Datalab, d.labs, Zemanta and also in about 10 startups. He is a regular startup and CEED mentor, board member, and sales operations advisor also outside of BizXpand. 

In today’s episode we talk about Lead generation in connection with sales: 

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