Tristan Pollock is a U.S. tech entrepreneur, startup investor and currently Head of Community at, a Platform tools for modern DevOps teams. He has created and sold two companies. SocialEarth was an award-winning leading source for social entrepreneurship. Storefront was a VC-backed “Airbnb for Retail”, a marketplace for retail space that has helped the likes of Nike and Kanye West open pop-up shops. Storefront merged with Oui Open in 2016 to continue expansion internationally. As a Silicon Valley VC and accelerator director at 500 Startups he has directed $30M in venture capital into 200 companies. Today he’s running Cool Climate Collective syndicate, and has invested in a dozen climate ventures, including JuicyMarbles, AgFunder, and Ethic.
Today we’re talking about Sustainability, climate change and connected tech - why is it important for every business founder to build impact in their venture?
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